Getting Involved…Art Organizations & Community-Based Practices

The Art Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison makes efforts to provide professional and career opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students and strongly encourages students to gain professional experience before graduation. Browse our Tips for Applying.


Art 338: Service Learning in Art
Art 393: Internships in Art
Art 448: Special Topics – New topics every semester!

  • BFA Professional Practices: Group Exhibition
  • Intro to Science Illustration
  • Printmaking: Art & Oppression
  • Food Cultures & Art
  • Artists as Curators
  • How to live? Art, Ethics & the Everyday
  • Digital Storytelling
  • Glass: Intro to Lampworking
  • Women, Art & the Body
  • Undergraduate Art Career Tools & Strategies
  • How to Photography Your Artwork
  • Art & Social Justice
  • Integrating Art & Children’s Literature
  • Intro to Print: Graphics of Dissent
  • Illustration for Fine Artists
  • Digital Fabrication Workshop
  • Intro to Jewelrymaking
  • Neon Animation Studio

Gail Simpson