Visiting Artist Colloquium: Sama Alshaibi

Visiting Artist Colloquium: Sama Alshaibi

Wednesday, November 18 @ 5 – 6:15pm FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Online at Blackboard: Sama Alshaibi’s photographs, videos, and immersive installations examine the mechanisms of fragmentation in the aftermath of war and exile. They often...
Visiting Artist Colloquium: Jen Bervin

Visiting Artist Colloquium: Jen Bervin

Wednesday, November 11 @ 5 – 6:15pm FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Online at Blackboard: Jen Bervin’s complex yet elegant multidisciplinary work results from poetic and conceptual investigations of material, and from research and collaboration...
Visiting Artist Colloquium: Adam DelMarcelle

Visiting Artist Colloquium: Adam DelMarcelle

Wednesday, October 28 @ 5 – 6:15pm FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Online at Blackboard: Adam DelMarcelle’s work focuses on design activism and the role of the graphic witness to expose and document societal injustice. His work for the What...