Gifts to the Art Department represent investments in the students who study here and those that guide them. Support from our alumni and friends enables the Department to provide assistance for deserving undergraduates, attract the brightest graduate students, retain talented faculty and staff, and pursue bold initiatives like a new art building to even better serve future artists and art educators.
All donors have the option of designating how their gifts are used. For example: undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships, visiting artists, professional development, or for specific areas of interest (e.g. ceramics, painting, printmaking/graphics, art metals, sculpture, etc.). The Department uses undesignated gifts wherever the needs are deemed greatest.
Make a gift in the following ways:
Donate directly to the department through the University of Wisconsin Foundation’s secure webpage. If you would like to support the Art Lofts Building Fund – 112100006, use the following button:
To send a gift by mail, please print the gift form and mail it with your gift to:
University of Wisconsin Foundation
US Bank Lockbox
PO Box 78807
Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807
Make checks payable to the University of Wisconsin Foundation and note in the memo how you would like your gift to be utilized, such as the Art Department Building Fund – 112100006.
Leave your legacy. Here is an example of wording you can incorporate into your will document to benefit the Art Department:
I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the University of Wisconsin Foundation, a nonprofit, non-stock Wisconsin Corporation with its principal office in Madison, Wisconsin, _______percent (%) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate (or, alternately, the sum of $_________), to be used for the Art Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
If you have questions, or if you wish to discuss gift designations, a gift of stock or planned giving, please contact our Director of Development Meghan Sensenbrenner at the University of Wisconsin Foundation:
Your gifts make all the difference! Thank you!
The images are renderings and final finishes may not be exact.