Kenneth Bailey is an internationally recognized activist and independent scholar based in Boston, USA. He is the founder of Design Studio for Social Intervention (DS4SI), an artistic research and development outfit for the improvement of civil society and everyday life situated at the intersections of design thinking and practice, social justice and activism, public art and social practice and civic / popular engagement.

Lecture: DS4SI Survey

Monday, March 6, 5pm

Location: Elvehjem 140, 800 University Avenue

Prefigurative politics is the work of imagining and testing new social arrangements that point to new horizons for the political and the convivial. Kenneth Bailey shows how Design Studio for Social Intervention (DS4SI) engages in prefigurative politics and speaks to why this way of engaging in the political is needed now more than ever.

Brown Bag: Public Kitchen

Tuesday, March 7, 12pm

Location: Art Lofts Lounge, 111 N. Francis Street

If kitchens were public like schools or libraries, how would it change social life? Public Kitchen is one of DS4SI’s best known and loved interventions. We will explore its beginnings, discuss how it has been received both nationally and internationally, and consider its future.

Workshop: Practicing Prefigurative Politics

Tuesday, March 7, 5pm

Registration Required: Contact

This interactive workshop will offer an opportunity for participants to see how DS4SI imagines its projects. Our hope is that participants leave with ideas that they intend to prototype.

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