The 92nd annual student art show is now up and running at the Memorial Union, highlighting sculptures, neon installations and paintings created and curated by University of Wisconsin-Madison students. Presented by the student-run Wisconsin Union Directorate Art...
Lynda Barry’s Making Comics is part memoir, part self-help, and a passionate call for introspection. Most of all it’s about creativity. Call it yoga for your head. Also, it’s about comics. “Have you given up on drawing?” asks the note scrawled on the back cover,...
Even as staffers assembled bookshelves and desks — not to mention unpacking over 70,000 books, DVDs and other items from Pinney Library’s temporary digs — Madison Library supervisor Sarah Lawton was happy to provide a tour of the new branch last Thursday afternoon....
The UW–Madison Division of the Arts announced its 2020 Awards in the Creative Arts and two faculty members from the School of Education garnered recognition. Fred Stonehouse, a professor with the Art Department, received the Creative Arts Award, while Leslie Smith...