Open Relationship: 2019 4-D Exhibition

Open Relationship: 2019 4-D Exhibition

November 11 – 14 Artists: MFA Candidates Conley Clark, Yoshinori Asai, Kel Mur, Craig Li, Kyle Herrera, Simone Doing, Max Puchalsky, Elizabeth Scheeler, Jeff Chelf, Chloe Simmons, Emma Pryde, Anwar Floyd-Pruitt, Hong Huo, Anders Niendstadt, and Reggie (Chang)...

From the Chair

Whatever art is, it is no longer something primarily to be looked at. Stared at, perhaps, but not primarily looked at. What, in view of this, is a post-historical museum to do, or to be? -After the End of Art Contemporary Art and the Pale of History, 1996 by Arthur...