Oct 31, 2019 | ArtsatUW, Events
November 1 – 7 Artists: Max Hautala, Derek Hibbs, Jonathan Byxbe, Roberto Torres Mata, Lesley Numbers, Maeve Leslie, Ash Armenta, Jacob Bautista, Katelyn St. John, Juan Dehoyos, Carley Schmidt, and Derick Wycherly Reception: Thursday, November 7, 6-8pm...
Oct 30, 2019 | ArtsatUW, Events
Wednesday and Thursday, October 30 and 31 @ 12-5pm Find them in the Lobby, enter the Humanities building through the open breezeway on the ground floor and go in the doors marked “ART” in large white letters. Support our UW-Madison student organization of printmakers...
Oct 28, 2019 | Essay, From the Chair
I keep an ever-expanding list of artists I am interested in. Mostly, I become aware of them from a distance; through a review in The New York Times, an accidental encounter with their work in a museum or gallery, happenstance or by chance. I have been following the...