From the Chair
As a faculty member and Chair of the Art Department, I have the extraordinary privilege to be able to think about art almost all the time. As artists who teach, we often get lost in the responsibilities of our teaching and other aspects of our university life over...
Written by the rain by Scott Gordon
Helen Hawley [MFA ’14] decided a few years ago to try and make a book she could read in the rain. What the multi-media artist ended up with instead was a piece where the precipitation played a more active role. Hawley created an edition of 40 art books called...
2 UW-Madison Professors Among ‘Genius’ Grant Winners by Mary Kate McCoy and Melissa Ingelis
Where some may see obstacles and controversy when it comes to climate change and art education, two University of Wisconsin-Madison professors and 2019 MacArthur Genius Grant winners see opportunity. Lynda Barry, a cartoonist and author, and Andrea Dutton, a geologist...