Neon Animation Studio with Greg Mowery July 23 – August 19 @ 9a-5p – M/Tu/W Neon Animation Studio, Art 448, Section 011 4 Credits Beginning-level special topics course, neon fabrication and intro to neon animation using Arduino microcontrollers, No prerequisites...
Georgia, Idaho, Washington, and Wisconsin artists responded to Overture Center Galleries’ invitation to answer the question: “How do I view the Sixties today?” Their interpretations are compiled into an exhibit, “The Sixties Revisited,” in the Playhouse Gallery on the...
Thoroughly inspired by nature, Oceanside artist Carrie Minikel [BS-Art ’00] has an instinct for transforming common objects into quizzical pieces of art that are at once representative and abstract, familiar yet wholly new. While she holds a bachelor of science...
Jeff Butler x’18 has always loved the company of superheroes, starting with Batman and Bart Starr. As a kid, he devoured comics. He read them over and over, studying the art. His mother, Bonnie, was convinced reading anything was a good thing and encouraged her...