June 27-29, 2018 from 9–4p
Location: University of Wisconsin-Madison Art Department, George Mosse Humanities Building, Room 6111, 455 N. Park St., Madison, WI 53706
Registration details:
- Cost: $180 (includes 21 hours of professional development + certificate of completion, most supplies, coffee, snacks)
- Registration: Registration is now Closed
Who: UW-Madison art education majors (attend free), middle and high school art teachers who teach 2D media and drawing
Maximum number of participants: 30
If you are seeking new project ideas and methods for teaching two-dimensional art, time to develop your own 2D skills, and opportunities to converse with art education colleagues from around the state, join illustrator and veteran high school art educator Josh Newland for three fantastic summer days in Madison as he walks you through his drawing curriculum, models teaching and assessment strategies, offers technical demos for a variety of media, and guides you through unique hands-on, engaging projects inspired by heraldry, howdahs, and Rube Goldberg machines.
Instructor: Josh Newland is an educator, sculptor, and illustrator. He received his BS degree in Art Education from UW-Madison in 2008, spending his time teaching during the school years since, and producing during his summers as a freelance artist. His work has been featured on album covers, Youtube, the indelible Netflix series Video Game High, and on a hell of a lot of lesson plans.
Overnight accommodations, if needed:
Private hotel room at the Lowell Center ($115 standard, $124 deluxe)
Reserve by May 27 using this link and group code: LOYSWAN
Call 866-301-1753 or local +1-608-256-2621 or lowell@ecc.uwex.edu
Single bed in dorm ($35 per night per single room, shared bathroom)
Click here for more details about the building.
To make a personal reservation, complete an individual reservation request. Please note in your reservation comment that you are attending the Summit for Art Educators.
Optional College Credit: If you are interested in earning one college credit for your work in the Summit (additional cost of $465), see the Summit for Art Educators Enrollment PDF for application and enrollment details.
Questions? Contact Dr. Mary Hoefferle at hoefferle@wisc.edu
* *About the Loy-Swanson Summit: One of the Art Department’s generous alumni, Jean Swanson, had a vision to connect veteran k-12 art teachers, who maintain a rich artistic practice of their own, with our art education undergraduates and other k-12 art colleagues in the state. In this annual Summit for Art Educators, veteran k-12 artist-teachers open up their teaching practice, explain their curriculum decisions, model assessment and instructional methods, and discuss how they arrived at these approaches to teaching and learning in the visual arts.