Join UW-Madison’s Design Club!
AIGA UW-Madison is a group for students interested in graphic design. Connected to the national AIGA and the Wisconsin chapter of AIGA, AIGA UW-Madison provides students with an opportunity to learn more about the graphic design community at the University. It also allows students to learn about the practice of graphic design as a profession. AIGA UW-Madison connects students with similar interests in the design field. Connection with the local and national chapters creates networking opportunities for students. AIGA is nationally recognized, and students can benefit from participation with the group before entering professional practice.
Wednesday, September 27 at 7:30a
Ground Zero Coffee, 744 Williamson St
No, we aren’t talking about WordArt from Microsoft Word, we’re talking about creating art using nothing but words and letters. We’re going to be meeting bright and early and seeing what we can create in 2 hours. This event will be focused on designing and hands-on work. Be sure to bring your computer and we’ll be digging into Illustrator (or your preferred program) to create these word art beauties. Enjoy a fun creative start to your day and let’s see what we can create! New topic every month!