Sep 28, 2015 | Essay, From the Chair
As a faculty member and Chair of the Art Department, I have the extraordinary privilege to be able to think about art almost all the time. As artists who teach, we often get lost in the responsibilities of our teaching and other aspects of our university life over...
Sep 28, 2015 | Essay, From the Chair
I hope everyone had a chance to witness the Super Moon and eclipse that occurred on Sunday. Nature sets the bar very high, however, it also provides sublime inspiration for our own creativity; a creativity that is not bound by historical limitations. One of the...
Sep 21, 2015 | Essay, From the Chair
I have been thinking about recent developments in art lately, especially in a digital culture where images are freely accessible. One such contemporary practice that is magnified exponentially in a digital world is Appropriation; a term that signifies a kind of...
Sep 14, 2015 | Essay, From the Chair
As the semester began, I found myself talking a lot about the role of the arts in society; the value of creativity and wonder, and our ability to make a case for the arts in the face of diminishing resources and tightening budgets. On more than one occasion in the...
Sep 8, 2015 | From the Chair
Now that classes have begun, I hope that you all are taking full advantage of the creative opportunities available to you here at UW Madison. There are exhibitions, music concerts, theater programs, dance performances and a host of lectures and scholarly events...